'Complete the quiz and aim high!'
'Explore and learn together'
'Brilliant website for maths learning'
'Everything you need to know - more magical maths - great fun!'
'Download these educational apps - challenge yourself'
'Develop your scientific knowledge - think like scientists!'
'Shiver me timbers - superb science'
'Complete the maths challenges - can you do them?'
Hit the button! Hit the button!
'So much family fun - who will win in your family?'
'Excellent extra activities - so much fun!'
'Words, vocab, grammar, spelling, reading, writing - check them all out!'
'Great website for developing problem solving skills'
'Brilliant books to inspire and challenge you - show your parents'
Have fun exploring these different homework challenges
At St. Bernard's we follow curriculum coverage for Computing and PSHE and this includes your personal wellbeing. Coverage includes your own online and e-safety in school, and at home.
Throughout the year at St. Bernard's each class will have the opportunity to take part in online and e-safety learning.
We do hope you continue to use the internet safely and positively. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to talk to your class teacher or a trusted adult in school.