St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. TEN:TEN RESOURCES - 'life to the full'

    TEN:TEN RESOURCES - 'life to the full'

    5 October 2020 (by admin)

    As part of our extensive PSHE & RE curriculum we have resources readily available for parents to access and view.

    The school has invested in a whole-school PSHE curriculum scheme entitled JIGSAW (it's extensive and full of quality teaching & learning resources!) - your child will really benefit because it's about  developing the uniqueness of every single child at St. Bernard's. It's about celebrating who they are!

    Our extensive Religious Education scheme (formed by the diocese) is all encompassing also and is supported by our exciting Catholic ten:ten resource base - once again it's celebrating the uniqueness of God's children, your child, families, culture, relationships and what it means to celebrate 'oneness and togetherness' 

    You can check out the ten:ten resources at

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