St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. THE BIG ASK 2021

    THE BIG ASK 2021

    17 May 2021 (by admin)

    It's 'The BIG ASK' and they're asking for your help. What's it all about? The Children’s Commissioner for England is standing up for pupil rights and making sure that the people in power listen to what children need and want. IT'S THE BIG ASK 2021!

    It’s time to give something big back to young people like you after COVID — and we need your help to do it.

    The Big Ask - we need your help!
    You may be aware already, the Children’s Commissioner, Rachel de Souza, is running the largest survey of children in England, known as The Big Ask.

    It’s important that we provide every child and young person an opportunity for their voice to be heard, and this is a fantastic opportunity to empower children and young people in telling the government what they need and want. There have been over 300,000 responses so far but that is still not enough when you consider pupil numbers up and down the country!

    The survey should only take between 5-10minutes max. The survey is not limited to children and young people but is also open to adults including parents and care leavers. We urge you to submit your responses and get your voice heard, it really is worthwhile.