St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. DO SOMETHING REMARKABLE...just do it!


    21 May 2021 (by admin)

    We have been holding MINI ASSEMBLY time in school during the busy school week. Of course we can't hold whole school assembly time due to covid-19, so we have x7 mini-assembly slots for each year group instead.

    So far we've held 5 assembly times this week and Y3 & Y6 will have their times early next week.

    The universal message is plain and simple...BE REMARKABLE!

    Children have been developing their cultural capital awareness and have been learning about REMARKABLE people: Martin Luther King, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Ghandi etc. They have explored words such as KINDNESS, UNIQUE, SPECIAL, TOGETHERNESS and LOVE

    They have also been challenged with the key QUESTION - How are you going to be remarkable today children?

    They were an absolute credit in assembly, filing in quietly, sensibly and respectfully. They answered questions and listened attentively. REMARKABLE children indeed! 

    So parents...I wonder what REMARKABLE deed you are going to do this weekend - your child will tell us next week.

    Have a peaceful and loving family weekend.