GETTING READY for September 2021 (part 2)14 July 2021 (by admin) |
We welcome our NEW HEAD TEACHER, Mr P Foley, to our educational shores (but to be honest he's been in several times already meeting staff, children, other stakeholders and the Governing Body).
Mr. Foley is fully aware of our new St. Bernard's classes, school operational timings - start of day and end of day timings:
Teaching staff:
RECEPTION - Mrs. Hemming & Mrs. Quinn
YEAR 1 - Mrs. Brendon & Mrs. Smith
YEAR 2 - Mrs. Humphreys & Miss. Reely
YEAR 3 - Mrs. Greenaway & Mr. Barnett
YEAR 4 - Miss. O'Neill & Mr. Snape
YEAR 5 - Mr. Vinti & Miss. Henson
YEAR 6 - Mrs. Kendrick & Mr. White
Yippee - teaching staff for September 2021
Children start on MONDAY 6th SEPTEMBER 2021 - new RECEPTION classes have had their start times sent separately.