St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. YEAR 3 & YEAR 4 TRIP - JAMES and the GIANT PEACH


    5 November 2021 (by admin)

    It's going to be an EXCITING trip for our wonderful Y3 and Y4 children - James and the Giant Peach coming soon...

    We are delighted to inform you that we have arranged for Years 3 and 4 to go and watch a stage performance of James and the Giant Peach at The Crescent Theatre in Birmingham on Wednesday 8th December at 10:00am.

    Details have already been sent out so PLEASE PAY via THE SCHOOL PARENT PAY system - ONLINE PAYMENTS. Contact the school office on 464 3795 if you need assistance.

    The cost of the trip is £10 per child

    James and the Giant Peach is by popular author Roald Dahl, and is one of the children’s favourites. It contains adventure, fantasy and an important message along the way. We hope that by seeing this production the children will be inspired to read more and that it will give them ideas for their own adventure stories. It should prove to be an entertaining, fun and inspiring way to finish the term!

    Start getting excited Year 3 and Year 4...