ROAD SAFETY in the NEWS3 December 2021 (by admin) |
We recently sent correspondence to our local COUNCILLORS. We informed them IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS of the serious issues concerning 'parking & road safety' issues along the WAKE GREEN ROAD.
We also corresponded with our local MP - Member of Parliament to get his involvement - it is a serious matter.
Our PUPIL SAFETY (your child) doesn't just stop at 3.15pm - we worry about children walking home, walking past cars that are illegally parked, walking on the pavement when cars are travelling too fast. We have had INCIDENTS, NEAR-MISSES etc.
It is a WORRY and we NEED ALL PARENTS to play their part (and make a difference).
Moseley School & St. Bernard's combined equates to nearly 2000 pupils!
If you want to have your say, contact the following addresses and drop them an email (all in the public domain of course):