St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ROAD SAFETY in the NEWS


    3 December 2021 (by admin)

    We recently sent correspondence to our local COUNCILLORS. We informed them IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS of the serious issues concerning 'parking & road safety' issues along the WAKE GREEN ROAD.

    We also corresponded with our local MP - Member of Parliament to get his involvement - it is a serious matter.

    Our PUPIL SAFETY (your child) doesn't just stop at 3.15pm - we worry about children walking home, walking past cars that are illegally parked, walking on the pavement when cars are travelling too fast. We have had INCIDENTS, NEAR-MISSES etc.

    It is a WORRY and we NEED ALL PARENTS to play their part (and make a difference).

    Moseley School & St. Bernard's combined equates to nearly 2000 pupils! 

    If you want to have your say, contact the following addresses and drop them an email (all in the public domain of course):
    We can campaign for a continuation of the safety railing along the school side of the road, strategically placed bollards to stop illegal parking, more speed awareness signage, speed bumps on the road, double yellow lines to prevent illegal parking etc.
    At the end of the day, it's pupil safety and your child's safety at risk.
    Your email can make the difference!