St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    24 January 2022 (by admin)

    It's on the national and local agenda - school ATTENDANCE MATTERS. Weekly updates for your attention...

    CONGRATULATIONS to Year 3 for recently winning the best attendance across a year group (extra BREAK year 3!). They achieved a collective 95.2% for the week.

    Whole school attendance was 93.2% compared to the fft national of 92%.

    Please note that school continues to work hard in partnership with parents. YOU MUST INFORM US IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL - note that we are fully aware that the vast majority of times, school absence is completely genuineWe know this happens.

    School also:

    *makes first day absence phone calls

    *completes announced and unannounced home visits

    *informs parents half-termly about attendance statistics as part of the local authority initiative (Spotlight on Attendance)

    *meets with parents if attendance is an ongoing major issue 

    *works in partnership with the Birmingham Authority Education Legal Team processing appropriate attendance documentation as and when requested as part of the Spotlight on Attendance programme. The Education Legal Team will act if necessary!