St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. PARKING ISSUES - parent cooperation needed

    PARKING ISSUES - parent cooperation needed

    28 June 2022 (by admin)

    Again, it has brought to light that certain parents are parking across pavements close to school, blocking access points, parking over neighbouring drives etc. All to drop their child/children off and save a few minutes of precious time.

    We have even got some parents parking very close to the Wake Green Road zebra crossing points - blocking views. Completely unnecessary and extremely dangerous. It actually endangers lives and all because some parents are saving a few minutes of time.

    Saving a few minutes of time V a serious injury to a child or adult?

    Saving a few minutes of time is completely unnecessary. All families and parents are busy in the morning. No-one is more precious than anyone else. All children deserve the right to arrive in school walking along a clear and unobstructed pathway, happy and safe in the knowledge that they do not have to manoeuvre around dangerously parked vehicles. 

    Again, we ask some of our parents to THINK before you PARK. Is it actually safe to park here? Is it necessary? Is my child safe getting out here? Actually, what about another child? Is it safe for them?

    IF NO, DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE further away from school and enjoy those extra few minutes walking your child to school.

    Thank you parents - please get the message.