ALLERGIES and MEDICAL NEEDS - IMPORTANT15 September 2022 (by admin) |
It's all about safeguarding children on the school site. We regularly send reminders to parents about medical needs/inhalers on site etc. Staff received training recently on asthma and pupil medical needs.
The St. Bernard's dinner supervisor team and staff throughout school are given copies of the whole school ASTHMA list so awareness is raised and pupil needs can be met accordingly. IF YOUR CHILD HAS ASTHMA and a PRESCRIBED INHALER at home, your child should have a PRESCRIBED INHALER IN SCHOOL (class medical box). You should have signed the medical consent form (main school office)
If your child has ongoing asthma needs, it is imperative you let us know because your child needs to be on the school list.
It is imperative that a PRESCRIBED inhaler is in school with your child's name clearly labelled.
It is imperative that the inhaler, that your child has in school, is in-date - ESSENTIAL!
WE ALSO HAVE CHILDREN ON SITE WITH EPIPENS - again, please make sure NO NUT PRODUCTS are used in daily packed lunches or given to your child as a snack for breaktime (nutella, chocolate spread, tree nut products etc.).
Thank you for your safeguarding cooperation.