IT'S ALWAYS A CONCERN - the way SOME parents PARK28 September 2022 (by admin) |
Yes, we're all in a rush in the morning and everybody is busy. WHERE YOU PARK YOUR CAR, MATTERS. TAKE THE TIME TO THINK, AM I PUTTING A CHILD'S LIFE IN DANGER? It is no doubt a concern around the vast majority of school establishments.
Correspond with our local MP - Member of Parliament to get his involvement - it is a serious matter because some parents are parking illegally and adding a significant element of risk to another child's journey to school (illegal parking).
Our PUPIL SAFETY (including your child) doesn't just stop at 3.15pm - we worry about children walking home, walking past cars that are illegally parked, walking on the pavement when cars are travelling too fast. We have had INCIDENTS, NEAR-MISSES etc. Parents mention it to us regularly.
It is a WORRY and we NEED ALL PARENTS to play their part (and make a difference).
Moseley School & St. Bernard's combined equates to nearly 2000+ pupils!
If you want to have your say, contact the following addresses and drop them an email (all in the public domain of course):