St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. OFSTED - we're MAKING a DIFFERENCE (and we want to show them)

    OFSTED - we're MAKING a DIFFERENCE (and we want to show them)

    17 October 2022 (by admin)

    OFSTED are coming and visit our school on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. An inspector will be on the school site to talk to the children and staff, meet governors. It's a check on how we're doing as a school. We are very much looking forward to it!

    IT WILL ONLY TAKE YOU A FEW MINUTES, BUT YOUR COMMENTS WILL BE SO HELPFUL (and are very much needed) because it's your school and your child's school. Your COMMENTS can MAKE a DIFFERENCE and BE the DIFFERENCE! 

    If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at the school (including pupils on sick leave or who are temporarily excluded), you can tell us your views about the school by completing Ofsted's online survey, Ofsted Parent View, at:

    Ofsted Parent View asks for your opinion on some aspects of your child's school, including the progress made by your child, the quality of teaching, how the school deals with bullying and poor behaviour. It also provides a free-text box for you to make additional comments, if you wish. The inspectors will use the online survey responses when inspecting your child's school. Written comments can also be sent to the school in a sealed envelope, marked confidential and addressed to the inspection team.

    To register your views, you will need to provide your email address, which will be held securely. It will not be used for any purpose other than providing access to the online survey. Neither schools nor Ofsted will have access to any email addresses.

    Please complete the online survey by 11am on 18 October 2022 as this will give the inspection team more time to consider your views. However, we will consider all online responses that are completed during the inspection, although the free-text box facility will not be available after noon on 19 October 2022.

    Thank you parents for helping us.