St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ATTENDANCE NEWS - be in the ATTENDANCE picture 2023

    ATTENDANCE NEWS - be in the ATTENDANCE picture 2023

    4 May 2023 (by admin)

    This week we are contacting some parents concerning ATTENDANCE & PUPIL ABSENCE issues. You may receive a call or letter outlining your child's attendance. Knowing your child's current attendance can be very important.

    Again, we need to remind parents that the AUTHORITY works in partnership with St. Bernard's and issues regular penalty notices where and when necessary. GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE habits start at a very young age. It is very much about being organised for the day/week ahead.

    Of course, there will be times when pupil illness is completely genuine and there are reasons for pupil absence (illness, ongoing underlying medical issues etc.). THE SCHOOL OFFICE MUST BE CONTACTED AND INFORMED ACCORDINGLY. Medical evidence can be submitted by your Doctor/medical professional etc. and the school office keeps this on record.

    It's about keeping you FULLY IN THE ATTENDANCE PICTURE regarding your child. Please read the letter carefully, check your child's attendance. 

    REMEMBER - GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MATTERS - it creates opportunities for life! If your child has ongoing attendance concerns, they will quickly fall behind in school, miss daily educational teaching, it will impact on them emotionally and socially. They miss out on key friendship groups...they can start to feel isolated. The IMPACT can be significant (and is significant!).