St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. SPLASH of GORGEOUS GREEN - Friday 19th May

    SPLASH of GORGEOUS GREEN - Friday 19th May

    16 May 2023 (by admin)

    We are asking the children to wear a SPLASH of GORGEOUS GREEN on Friday 19th May 2023. It's all about raising awareness of how GORGEOUSLY WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE they all are. All individual, all different...

    It's about raising awareness of their HEAD SPACE and their very own MENTAL HEALTH - their feelings, thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

    We have been telling them this week, 'It's OK not to be OK' - we have been reiterating the importance of talking, talking, talking...with more talking thrown in. The importance of sharing their feelings if they are a little sad, down, fed up, anxious, worried, apprehensive etc. It's OK not to be OK sometimes! That's our message to the children in our care.

    Wearing a splash of GREEN on Friday 19th May is just a small colourful way of telling them that their uniqueness is to be celebrated.

    MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK 2023 at St. Bernard's (but really, it's mental health awareness every single day!)

    Miss Fraser - PSHE Lead/Mental health Awareness coordinator