St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. HAPPY HAMPER FRIDAY - every little helps!

    HAPPY HAMPER FRIDAY - every little helps!

    3 July 2023 (by admin)

    Check this out because the PTA are at it again! Making a difference to all the children at St. Bernard's.

    HAPPY HAMPERING HAMPER donations on this Friday. Help us make the PTA event a very special day. 
    Count down to the Summer Fair is on...not long to go (Friday 14th July 2023 is the actual occasion).

    However, on Friday 7th July all children are invited to dress up in either their year group colour, or any of the rainbow colours, and in return we ask that a kind donation is made of anything that matches their year group colour.

    It is going to be one COLOURFUL Friday at St. Bernard's!

    It could be donations of food and drink items, toys, fun accessories, stationary, smelly smellies etc. Anything that makes the hamper more fun for the winner!

    Check out the different year group colours 

    Reception – Red

    Yr 1 – Yellow

    Yr 2 – Black and white

    Yr 3 – Green

    Yr 4 – Purple

    Yr 5 – Blue

    Yr 6 – Multi-coloured (any colour of the rainbow)

    Thank you for all your ongoing support.

    The PTA