St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. CHAPLAINCY TEAM 2023/2024 - YEAR 5

    CHAPLAINCY TEAM 2023/2024 - YEAR 5

    9 October 2023 (by admin)

    Our wonderful CHAPLAINCY TEAM is being assembled by Mrs. Crehan (RE Lead). They are our MINI-FAITH MODELS and lead so many aspects of our important faith-based school life.

    Every year we invite children from Y5 to write a letter to Mrs. Crehan and Mr. Foley, explaining why they would like to be a part of the St. Bernard's school Chaplaincy Team family.

    Children have until Thursday 12th October to submit a letter outlining their reasons for wanting to join the Chaplaincy Team set up. 

    What qualities do they have?

    How could they be a good role model?

    How can they be a good faith model?

    How can they make a difference?

    Please hand your letter to Mrs. Crehan.

    Good luck Year 5.