St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. THANK YOU - kind donations of food & non-uniform money

    THANK YOU - kind donations of food & non-uniform money

    25 October 2023 (by admin)

    Making a difference is what it is all about at St. Bernard's - trying our very best to help other people in need.

    In Mass this morning we thanked families, parents, and of course our wonderful children for all the thoughtful and generosity shown recently - numerous donations of food items (being picked up the local FIRESIDE charity group tomorrow morning) and money that is being raised for CAFOD - money for the ongoing humanitarian crisis (£400).

    We can make a small difference with these donations.

    We can also make a difference with our school prayers as we think of individuals, families, and whole communities who are suffering and who are in great need.

    Thank you parents.