St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. YEAR 5 - WHITEMOOR LAKES RESIDENTIAL coming soon...


    9 November 2023 (by admin)

    It's on the very busy school RESIDENTIAL HORIZON...the BIG, EXCITING, and CHALLENGING YEAR 5 visit to WHITEMOOR LAKES (Feb 2024). Numerous correspondence has already been sent out to the Year 5 intrepid explorers.

    Any queries, questions etc. just speak to Mr. Foley or Mr. Stephenson.

    PAYMENTS need to be made via the NEW St. Bernard's correspondence app - MY CHILD AT SCHOOL.

    All details have been sent out already.

    You can pay in smaller instalments.

    You can pay the total amount upfront.

    YOU MUST SEND IN the MEDICAL/DIETARY NEEDS replay sheet information to the class teacher.

    Start getting excited. It will be BIGGEST week/event for our Y5 expedition team!

    Go YEAR 5...we're off to the wonderful land of WHITEMOOR LAKES!