St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. MEDICAL & MEDICATION - inhalers/epipens - end of school term

    MEDICAL & MEDICATION - inhalers/epipens - end of school term

    15 July 2024 (by admin)

    It is vitally important that your child takes home any MEDICATION they have on the school site. All items MUST go home this week.

    EPIPENS MUST be taken off the school site by parents and RETURNED at the start of the next academic year.

    This is very important.

    Pupil inhalers must also be taken home on Friday 19th July.

    When the school term starts in September 2024, parents MUST sign the administration of medication form (school office) if a child has an INHALER or EPIPEN on the school site.

    Please remember that St. Bernard's school has supplies of Calpol, Nurofen, Piriton and Piriteze solution. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND THESE ITEMS INTO SCHOOL.

    Please remember that school also has emergency use inhalers and epipens on the school site.

    Please remember that school has x9 members of staff who are qualified first aid at work and paediatric staff members.

    Please remember that St. Bernard's has an AED (defibrilator) on the school site. 

    Thank you parents.