St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. Thursday 1.15pm prompt start - Y6 Production

    Thursday 1.15pm prompt start - Y6 Production

    17 July 2024 (by admin)

    Yes, the BIG Y6 show starts at 1.15pm prompt. Please be in your seats Y6 parents, ready and raring to go!

    You can also relax, simply watch and enjoy it! We've already got it covered by videoing it. It's all being edited and will be sent to all Y6 parents soon.

    This allows you to just watch, watch, watch, and enjoy. It's about enjoying the moment!

    Please don't be tempted to video it because it can be distracting for the children and also obscure the view for other parents sitting near/around you.

    It's all been sorted for you! The video link is on the way this week.

    You can take plenty of photos at the end of the show.

    See you tomorrow for the Y6,  1.15pm start. Yippee!

    By the way, we're also treating all our Y6 children on Friday (final day) to a 'slap up pizza' delivery lunch! You don't need to provide a packed lunch on Friday. We've got it all covered! We are trying to give them a special...and day!