St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    18 July 2024 (by admin)

    A BIG thank you and WELL DONE to parents for organising the Y6 farewell event at The Shires complex. The children absolutely LOVED IT! Sharing photographs galore this morning because of the photo booth that was at the event!

    A BIG thank you parents for organising this and giving the children some wonderful memories.

    We will see you at the 1.15pm performance later today (don't forget!). Don't be late!

    Doors open from 1pm today.

    It will all take place in the lower school hall. All the chairs will be set out accordingly. A private performance for all the Y6 parents! The whole school has already had the privilege of watching the BIG Y6 production this week...the children absolutely loved it!

    REMEMBER, it's all been videoed already for you. Just sit back and enjoy it. Take it all in because it's a memory for life! You will receive the video link soon...a final farewell pressie from the school. You don't need to video it.

    Drinks (cans of pop) are available on arrival. Just take a drink into the lower school hall.

    FINALLY, FRIDAY is PIZZA DAY for Y6. We are ordering a delightful selection of EXTRA LARGE PIZZAS for our Y6 children. You do not need to send in a packed lunch for your child.

    Get your tissues ready...the Y6 children are venturing to pastures new (soon!).

    Adieu, adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow!