St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. HARVEST MASS ITEMS - food donations

    HARVEST MASS ITEMS - food donations

    7 October 2024 (by admin)

    Thank you for the food donations so far that have ben brought into school. It's all part of our HARVEST MASS celebrations (Mass is on Wednesday 9th October at 9.15am). Can you help us?

    On the very busy school HORIZON, it will soon be our HARVEST CELEBRATION MASS - Wednesday 9th October.

    We are collecting DONATED FOOD ITEMS in preparation for this special HARVEST day. 

    All items kindly donated will be passed on to our friends at the FIRESIDE CHARITY PROJECT. It's what we do at St. Bernard's because it's our MISSION - make a difference and be the difference!

    It's about HELPING our local neighbours.

    We are looking for:

    *packets of cereal,


    *canned items,


    *non-perishable items (much longer shelf life)

    This school message goes out to over 1000+ downloads on local mobile phones.

    Please help to make our CHARITY HARVEST CELEBRATION a caring and supportive event.

    Thank you parents. Donations can start coming in! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

    Perishable items from Tuesday 8th October please (fresh fruit etc.)