St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ATTENDANCE MATTERS - the new half-term ahead (autumn 2, 2024)

    ATTENDANCE MATTERS - the new half-term ahead (autumn 2, 2024)

    22 October 2024 (by admin)

    Attendance matters are always IMPORTANT because GOOD ATTENDANCE equals OPPORTUNITIES FOR LIFE! The BIG £50 'family voucher attendance draw' will continue in school next half-term...just a little extra incentive (and the children LOVE it!).

    A few ESSENTIAL reminders about ATTENDANCE - we work in close partnership with BIRMINGHAM AUTHORITY and the EDUCATION LEGAL TEAM. They want to know about pupil attendance and pupil absence. They work closely with all school establishments.

    KEEP ATTENDANCE at the forefront of your minds please during 2024/2025 - YOUR CHILD'S ATTENDANCE MATTERS to us, to you, and for your child.

    We will continue to conduct regular home visits (announced/unannounced), make daily phone calls and meet with parents - it's all about your child's ATTENDANCE. YOU MUST, MUST, MUST keep us in the picture - if your child is absent because of illness, YOU MUST INFORM the SCHOOL OFFICE. We fully understand that children have various genuine illnesses. NATIONAL LEGISLATION has changed regarding SCHOOL ATTENDANCE and letters have been sent out accordingly. It's IMPORTANT you are aware of this. 

    The Education Legal Team work in partnership with Birmingham Authority and they take strong action against unauthorised attendance, issuing penalty fines, substantial penalty notices etc. This usually involves extended stay abroad but can also be for regular/irregular patterns of absence. 

    The authority letter has already been sent out - it went out to all parents at the START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR to REMIND EVERYONE OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITY and NEW LEGISLATION.

    If you have issues concerning your child's attendance, TALK TO US.

    Thank you for your full cooperation.

    Mr. Foley & Governing Body of St. Bernard's


    The Government has brought in the changes due to concerns about the decline in attendance linking to a deteriorating attainment and progress levels for children over the last few years. There is more information for parents here:

    National changes to education penalty notices - September 2024 | School attendance, advice for parents | Birmingham City Council