St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. BUSY, BUSY ST. BERNARD'S week ahead as we approach 'ADVENT week 3'

    BUSY, BUSY ST. BERNARD'S week ahead as we approach 'ADVENT week 3'

    13 December 2024 (by admin)

    Lovely CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY this morning with ALL our wonderful children reflecting on ADVENT. Quiet prayer and reflection.

    We will soon be into WEEK 3 of ADVENT. The 3rd CANDLE will be lit.

    IT IS THE CANDLE of JOY...we focus all our intention on joy. Joy is a very real and deep happiness that is rooted in faith and trust. In the third week of Advent, we pause and reflect on the first half of the Advent season, as well as look ahead to the last few weeks.

    Please pray for the children of St. Bernard's as they journey through this special time.