YEAR 5 - WHITEMOOR LAKES beckons...February 202510 January 2025 (by admin) |
It's very nearly here...the BIG ADVENTURE is about to START for our intrepid explorers in Y5! WHITEMOOR LAKES 2025...YIPPEE!
FINAL ARRANGEMENTS are taking place...
We are about to send FINAL numbers to WHITEMOOR.
If you have not returned your form, please get your child's Y5 MEDICAL & DIETARY form back to the class teacher asap. These are VITAL and information is shared with the WHITEMOOR team.
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET GOT YOUR CHILD SIGNED UP FOR THE RESIDENTIAL TRIP, YOU NEED TO DO SO ASAP. This is your last chance to speak to the main school office and get payment on your MCAS system!
Y5 children venture to WHITEMOOR LAKES - a thrilling residential centre set in the heart of the Midlands. FEBRUARY 2025 - a 2 night/3 day EXCITING ADVENTURE! - total cost in total is £150.
Details have already been sent out about this exciting trip.
ANY FINAL QUERIES, PLEASE CALL THE MAIN SCHOOL OFFICE or speak to your child's class teacher.
All costs cover the adventurous activities, transport, dormitory sleeping, insurance, food and FUN, FUN, FUN!