St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. FRIDAY BOARD CLUB cancelled & FRIDAY TAG RUGY CLUB cancelled

    FRIDAY BOARD CLUB cancelled & FRIDAY TAG RUGY CLUB cancelled

    11 February 2025 (by admin)

    Please note that after school clubs on FRIDAY 14th February for BOARD CLUB (Mr. Stephenson's club), and the TAG RUGBY CLUB (Mr. J Rauf - external sport provision) have been cancelled this week.

    Please pick your child up at the usual end of school day time.

    This is due to the fact that the Y5 Whitemoor Lakes children are away on their residential and are scheduled to return Friday afternoon ish (3.15pm return/traffic permitting). This impacts on after school clubs, and certain staff members are away on residential supervising duties.

    So, please remember that there is NO FRIDAY after school Y5 BOARD CLUB.

    So, please remember that there is NO FRIDAY after school Y5/Y6 TAG RUBGY CLUB.

    Thank you parents.