St Bernard's Catholic Primary School News
The latest news stories from St Bernard's Catholic Primary School.
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News Stories- YEAR 3 AND 4 PE DAYS
- BE DIFFERENT, BE UNIQUE - celebrate your individuality - FRIDAY 10th JUNE
It's all for a good cause, it's all to raise money, it's all about LOVING THE WAY YOU ARE and RESPECTING OTHER INDIVIDUALS - we are all born to be different. - BRILLIANT BIKEABILITY in Bernard's 2022
St. Bernard's BIKEABILITY children have been an absolute credit during the school week - the cycling proficiency ends tomorrow. - Y1 PE - YIPPEE - note days of the week
PE DAYS are changing in YEAR 1, YEAR 1, YEAR 1 - please make sure your child is ready. - BUSY, BUSY, BUSY - looking ahead...(FRIDAY)
Think DIFFERENT, be DIFFERENT, CELEBRATE DIFFERENCE - it's all about being unique, individual and celebrating our wonderful cultural diversity! FRIDAY 10th is a day we are dedicating to the NSPCC with a £1 donation because we want to embrace DIFFERENCE. - GET READY for RQ CLASS ASSEMBLY - Friday 10th June 2022
The BIG class assembly for our wonderful RQ children takes place on FRIDAY 10th JUNE. - Updated RECEPTION class NEWS summer 2022
Not only is the BIG RQ assembly this week, Friday at 9.15am, we are also notifying you about RECEPTION PE days for the summer end of year term 2022. - ADDITIONAL SUPPORT (LETTERS) - summer 2022
Several letters have recently been sent out to children who will receive ADDITIONAL SUPPORT sessions with a class teacher. These short tuition sessions just give that little bit extra and really help certain children. - HER MAJESTY (and of course, Paddington Bear) - MONDAY 6th JUNE 2022
It gets us in the mood for MONDAY's celebrations in the grounds of Windsor Bernard's...what a smile Her Majesty put on the faces of millions worldwide as she started off her JUBILEE CONCERT with an informal marmalade sandwich filling - YUMMY! - JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS for HER MAJESTY (part 2)
You have already read 1 to it's 6 to 10 - RIGHT ROYAL FACTS to diligently digest.