St Bernard's Catholic Primary School News
The latest news stories from St Bernard's Catholic Primary School.
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News Stories PTA CHALLENGE...a REMINDER of the BIG £20.25 challenge 2025! Don't forget, any monies sent in, MUST BE PLACED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE PLEASE and the PTA have a POST BOX located in the main school office. All envelopes go into the PTA collection box. RAMADAN 2025 - ‘Prayer, fasting, self-control, and goodwill towards others’ In 2025, Ramadan is expected to begin on the evening of Friday 28 February 2025, and will conclude on the evening of Sunday 30 March 2025, with the exact dates contingent upon the sighting of the moon. It is a most special time for many of our families. CONFIRMATION...a journey of FAITH Our CONFIRMANDI children have a most special few weeks ahead as they journey to their SACRAMENTAL DAY on Saturday 8th March 2025. NEWS, NEWS, NEWSLETTER It's here again in the palm and comfort of your hand, so when you have a couple of minutes to spare, get reading, reading, READING! Find out what's happening in your chosen school. ADIEU, ADIEU, PARTING is such SWEET SORROW - Thank you Mrs. S St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School wishes Mrs. T Summerfield all the very best as she ventures to educational pastures new. She leaves St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School after 18 months teaching service. SECONDARY SCHOOL PLACES - Y6 to Y7 (September 2025) Our Year 6 children find out their allocated secondary places very soon. The authority will inform parents early next week, Monday 3rd March 2025. IMPORTANT DATES on the HORIZON - St. David's Day & World Book Day On Friday 28th February we are celebrating St. David's day (actually takes place on Saturday 1st March) and your child can come to school on FRIDAY dressed in red, yellow, or all things Welsh! St. David is of course the patron saint of Wales. BOOK FAIR is COMING TO TOWN! Yippee! The SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR is coming to St. Bernard's Catholic READING School. Coming soon...later this week KEY DATES AHEAD FOR YOUR FAMILY ATTENTION...get them in your busy family diary Some of these KEY DATES will impact on you, so please get your child's dates in your busy family diary...MARCH & APRIL school dates GET READY FOR THE HALF-TERM AHEAD...starts tomorrow - MONDAY 24th February 2025 We're off again...another very busy St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School term ahead! ALL STARTS TOMORROW so be ready children. The usual SMART SCHOOL UNIFORM attire please. Be ready and be organised.